State Farm® Terms of Use for®
These statefarm.. com使用条款概述了与您使用statefarm有关的条款和条件.并提供有关State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company的更多信息, its affiliates and subsidiaries (State Farm). 这些使用条款适用于您对本网站的使用,无论您是如何访问它的. If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms of Use, please discontinue using and accessing this site immediately.
Privacy Policy
要获取有关State Farm隐私政策的信息,请访问我们的 Notice of Privacy Policy.
Your Use of This Site
You may not use this site to engage in any illegal activity. 您不得使用本网站从事诽谤行为, libelous, 威胁、骚扰或侵犯第三方知识产权或其他专有权利的. In the event you engage in activity that is illegal, defamatory, libelous, threatening, or harassing, State Farm保留将您通过使用本网站或其他State Farm拥有的电子网站或应用程序提供的任何信息披露给执法机构的权利,State Farm自行决定是否适当. 您同意您通过本网站提供的任何信息都是真实和准确的. State Farm保留要求客户更改其用户ID或安全问题答案的权利,如果这些问题被认为是不合适的,State Farm有权自行决定和判断.
Emails to State Farm Addresses
州立农场电子邮件系统是一个私人电子邮件系统,仅用于州立农场授权的目的. 您无权发送大量未经请求的商业电子邮件到任何电子邮件地址 State Farm保留采取必要行动防止未经授权方滥用其电子邮件系统的权利.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Any information, services, materials, software, 本网站的计算器或其他物品均按“原样”提供,不作任何形式的保证, either expressed or implied, 包括但不限于对适销性和适合某一特定目的的默示保证. State Farm不保证本网站不间断或无错误. Any risk arising out of use or performance of the information, services, materials, software, calculators or other items remains entirely with you. 在任何情况下,State Farm不对因使用或执行这些信息而引起的任何损害承担责任, services, materials, software, calculators or other items.
Secured Areas/Passwords
本网站的某些部分是受限制的,需要授权才能访问. Unauthorized use of or access to these areas is prohibited. 实际或试图未经授权使用或进入这些区域可能导致刑事和/或民事起诉. 可能会查看未经授权访问这些区域的尝试, 监测和记录,并获得的任何信息可提供给执法机构,以调查或起诉在该系统上可能发生的犯罪活动. 如果您不是该区域的授权用户或不同意继续监控, you should not attempt to access such areas.
If you are an authorized user of any restricted area, 您有责任维护您的密码的安全性/保密性. DO NOT SHARE YOUR PASSWORD WITH ANYONE. State Farm will not ask you for your password. 如果您知道或怀疑您的密码已被泄露,请立即更改密码. 如果您怀疑任何与您的帐户有关的未经授权的活动,您应该联系State Farm. 如果您没有妥善保护您的密码或您选择与其他人共享您的密码,州立农场将不负责. 为了保护您的个人信息,State Farm鼓励您每六个月更改一次密码.
State Farm Intellectual Property Rights
The State Farm three oval logo, 术语“State Farm”和所有其他State Farm商标均为State Farm互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司及其附属公司和子公司的知识产权. 如有注明,可适用第三方的知识产权. Except where otherwise indicated, all materials on this site including but not limited to graphics, text, software, audio, video, and files, 是州立农场的财产吗?受著作权法或其他知识产权法保护吗.
State Farm reserves all rights to its intellectual property. 您可以打印一份本网站页面的副本供您个人使用, non-commercial use provided that all copyright, trademark or other notices are retained. ALL OTHER USES ARE PROHIBITED.
您无权在任何其他网站上使用本网站的任何部分或任何其他州立农场的知识产权, in the meta-tags of any other site or in any other materials. You may not duplicate, distribute, display, perform, create derivative works, 或以其他方式使用本网站的任何内容或将本网站置于任何其他网站中.
Links to/From Other Sites
For your convenience, 州立农场可以提供到其他不属于州立农场的互联网站点的链接. 您不应将任何与其他网站的链接解释为表明State Farm赞助或认可该网站或其材料,或该网站以任何方式与State Farm有关联. 州立农场不对这些网站上的任何内容负责,也不对其内容作出任何保证或陈述, products or services offered on such sites. 州立农场不对内容负责,也不对内容作任何保证或陈述, 您可以选择使用与本网站相关的任何网站上提供的产品或服务.
Availability of Products and Services
State Farm在美国的某些州和加拿大的某些省有业务. 除非另有说明,总部位于伊利诺伊州布卢明顿.
并非本网站上描述的所有产品或服务在所有州或省都可用. 您可能没有资格获得所有产品和服务,State Farm保留在法律允许的情况下决定此类资格的权利. Where noted, certain products or services may be subject to specific terms, conditions, representations or agreements. 本网站与此类产品和服务相关的部分提供了有关条款的附加信息, conditions representations, agreements, eligibility and availability.
州立农场的证券产品由州立农场VP管理公司分销., One State Farm Plaza, Bloomington, Illinois 61710-0001. These products are not FDIC Insured, are not bank guaranteed are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of principal. State Farm VP Management Corp. 是一个独立于那些提供银行和pp王者电子官网产品的州立农场的实体吗. 欲了解更多信息,潜在投资者可从以下网址获取共同基金的招股说明书 or for variable products at
Other Agreements
这些使用条款适用于您对本网站的使用,并不改变或改变您与State Farm之间的任何其他合同或协议.
Insurance Quotes/Coverages
At this time, on-line quotes may not be available for all states or provinces, products, services or coverage selections. For additional information about products, services or coverage selections otherwise offered by State Farm, please contact a State Farm agent.
本网站产生的所有报价都是基于您提供的信息的估计,而不是合同, binder, or agreement to extend insurance coverage. 本网站提供的任何pp王者电子官网范围描述都是对现有pp王者电子官网范围的一般描述,并非合同的声明. To obtain coverage you must submit an application to State Farm. All applications are subject to underwriting approval. Coverages and availability may vary by state or province; and additional minimum coverage limits may be available in your state. For additional information, please contact a State Farm agent.
Online Claims Submissions
If you are a State Farm customer, you may elect to report an insurance claim online where available. 你的意见书没有让州立农业pp王者电子官网公司承担这一损失. 您提交的有关您的pp王者电子官网政策和损失的信息将受到审查和核实. 在对索赔作出决定之前,State Farm保留要求提供额外信息的权利. 索赔代表将与您就您的索赔进行沟通. All policy provisions contained in your policy remain in effect. 如果您对所投保的pp王者电子官网范围有任何疑问,请与您的pp王者电子官网公司联系 State Farm agent.
SMS Texting Terms and Conditions
州立农场提供一次性短信服务和订阅短信服务. For more information, please visit SMS Texting Terms and Conditions.
Changes to This Document
Applicable Law/Severability
本使用条款受伊利诺伊州法律管辖并根据伊利诺伊州法律解释,不涉及任何法律冲突条款. If any portion of these Terms of Use is unlawful, void or unenforceable, 不影响任何其他条款的有效性或可执行性.
Additional Information About State Farm
Insurance Licensing information - General
州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司是根据伊利诺伊州法律成立的,在所有50个州都有执照, the District of Columbia, and the provinces of Alberta, New Brunswick, and Ontario. 本公司主要从事汽车pp王者电子官网业务. In the U.S. the company also writes long term care, disability income, Medicare Supplement and supplemental health insurance, and commercial auto insurance. NAIC number: 25178
State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, 是State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company的全资子公司, 是根据伊利诺斯州的法律成立并在所有50个州都有执照的吗, the District of Columbia, and the provinces of Alberta, New Brunswick, and Ontario. 该公司主要从事人身pp王者电子官网和财产及意外伤害pp王者电子官网,主要包括业主和商业多重风险. In the U.S. the company also writes boat owners, personal liability umbrella, farm-ranch, commercial auto, commercial umbrella, professional and specialty, workers compensation, inland marine & mobile property, surety and fidelity bonds. NAIC number: 25143
State Farm General Insurance Company, 是State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company的全资子公司, 是根据伊利诺斯州的法律组织的,并且在除罗德岛州以外的所有州都有执照, Connecticut, and Massachusetts and primarily writes in California. 它的主要重点是个人线和书写财产和意外伤害线的pp王者电子官网,主要包括房主和商业多重危险. The company also writes boat owners, personal liability umbrella, farm-ranch, commercial umbrella, commercial auto, professional and specialty, workers compensation, inland marine & mobile property, surety and fidelity bonds. NAIC number: 25151
State Farm Indemnity Company, 是State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company的全资子公司, is organized under the laws of the State of Illinois. Although licensed in both Illinois and New Jersey, 它在新泽西州仅从事汽车pp王者电子官网的承保业务. NAIC number: 43796
State Farm Guaranty Insurance Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of State Farm Indemnity Company, is organized under the laws of the State of Illinois. Although licensed in both Illinois and New Jersey, 它在新泽西州仅从事汽车pp王者电子官网的承保业务. NAIC number: 12251
State Farm Florida Insurance Company*, 是State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company的全资子公司, 是根据佛罗里达州的法律组织的,并在佛罗里达州和伊利诺伊州获得执照吗. The company writes property insurance in the State of Florida. NAIC number: 10739
State Farm Life Insurance Company, 是State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company的全资子公司, 是根据伊利诺斯州法律成立并在哥伦比亚特区获得执照的吗, all states except Massachusetts, New York, and Wisconsin. The company primarily writes individual life and annuity products. NAIC number: 69108
State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company, 是State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company的全资子公司, 是根据伊利诺斯州法律成立并在康涅狄格获得执照的吗, Illinois, New York, and Wisconsin. The company primarily writes individual life and annuity products. NAIC number: 69094
State Farm Annuity and Life Insurance Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of State Farm Life Insurance Company, 是根据伊利诺斯州的法律成立并在除康涅狄格以外的所有州都有执照的吗, Florida, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Wisconsin. NAIC number: 94498
Insurance Licensing Information - Texas
州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司是根据伊利诺伊州法律成立的,在所有50个州都有执照, the District of Columbia, and the provinces of Alberta, New Brunswick, and Ontario. 本公司主要从事汽车pp王者电子官网业务. In the U.S. the company also writes long term care, disability income, Medicare Supplement and supplemental health insurance. NAIC number: 25178
State Farm Fire and Casualty Company, 是State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company的全资子公司, 是根据伊利诺斯州的法律成立并在所有50个州都有执照的吗, the District of Columbia, and the provinces of Alberta, New Brunswick, and Ontario. 该公司主要从事人身pp王者电子官网和财产及意外伤害pp王者电子官网,主要包括业主和商业多重风险, including boat owners, personal liability umbrella policies, marine, commercial inland marine and mobile property, commercial auto, farm-ranch, commercial umbrella, surety and fidelity bonds and workers compensation. NAIC number: 25143
State Farm Life Insurance Company, 是State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company的全资子公司, 是根据伊利诺斯州法律成立并在哥伦比亚特区获得执照的吗, all states except Massachusetts, New York, and Wisconsin. The company primarily writes individual life and annuity products. NAIC number: 69108
State Farm Lloyds**是一家承销商协会,根据德克萨斯州pp王者电子官网法第941章的规定,在劳埃德计划下运营,并与State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company共同管理. 劳埃德州立农业pp王者电子官网公司主要从事房主pp王者电子官网和多重风险pp王者电子官网业务, including homeowners, renters, boat owners, personal liability umbrella, commercial multi-peril, farm-ranch, commercial umbrella, commercial auto, professional and specialty, inland marine & mobile property in Texas. NAIC number: 43419
State Farm Lloyds, Inc.**是一家位于德克萨斯州的公司,由State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company全资拥有. It is the Attorney-in-Fact for State Farm Lloyds.
State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas**是一家根据德克萨斯州法律成立的县互助公司,与State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company共同管理. The company is principally engaged in writing automobile, 商业汽车和个人内陆海上个人物品pp王者电子官网在得克萨斯州. NAIC number: 26816
Language Notice
State Farm insurance policies, agreements, applications, forms and required notices are written in English. This document has been translated for your convenience. 如在解释上有任何差异,以英文版本为准.
Other Companies
State Farm VP Management Corp., One State Farm Plaza, Bloomington, IL 61710-0001.
* State of Florida
** State of Texas
Contact Information
Please contact us for additional information.